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Wasted efforts - Lesson - If I Could return

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Türkan Ergör III
TÜRKAN ERGÖR'S BIOGRAPHY Türkan Ergör, Sociologist, Philosopher, Writer, Poet, Art Photography Model, Ambassador for Peace. Türkan Ergör was born in 19 March 1975 in the city of Çanakkale, Turkey. She graduated from the Department of Sociology, Philosophy, Business Management, and Home Management at Anatolian University. She was selected International "Best Poet 2020". She was selected International "Best Author/Writer 2021". She was also selected International "Best Poet 2021". She was selected International "Best Writer/Author 2022". She was also selected International "Best Poet 2022". She was awarded the FIRST PRIZE FOR THE OUTSTANDING AUTHOR IN 2022. She was awarded the "Certificate of Honor and Appreciation" and " Crimean Badge " by İSMAİL GASPRİNSKİY SCIENCE AND ART ACADEMY. She was awarded the "14k Gold Pen Award" by ESCRITORES SIN FRONTERAS ORGANIZACIÓN INTERNACIONAL.
Apri foto
Human sometimes
Wasted efforts
Wants Endless desires
Loves Jealousies
Even bird sometimes
Wasted flat its wings
While flies in the sky
Wasted efforts
Everything is as it should be
Wherever one has to go
Wheresoever it has to end
Whatever it has to be
Everything as it is
The rest wasted efforts.
Wherever I look
I'm taking lessons from
Even from the tree
Even from the bird
I hear a sound
Firstly slower than
Then it gets faster
It's raining
People running away
Rain stopping
Rainbow coming out
And people
Being happy
In this life.
Everyone finally returns
Goes where they belong
Maybe they want to go
Maybe they don't want to go
But Finally,
People return
To where they belong
Their becomes a request to return
Perhaps unintentionally
But l I would want to return
If l could return
Where l belong
Because I saw a rose
Never seen before
In the feelings garden.

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